Updating a director's details

Change a director's name, address or appointment status​

The name, address and appointment status of all company directors must be kept up to date on the Companies Register. The register must be updated within 20 working days of a change to these details occurring.

Authority to update a director's details

To update a director's name, address or appointment status you must have:

  • a RealMe® login
  • an online services account with the Companies Register
  • authority to act for your company.

Updating a director's name

You must notify us within 20 working days of becoming aware of a change to a director's name. The change must have already occurred before you update the register.

You can only change a director's name if they have:

  • married or divorced
  • changed their full legal name by deed poll, or
  • corrected their full legal name.

Update a director's name

To update a director's name log in to your online services account, enter a company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and follow these steps.

  1. Select the Directors tab, and select the Update details button next to the name of the director whose details have changed.
  2. Select the Change button next to the director's existing name and update the information.
  3. Enter the Effective date on which the change occurred.
  4. From the Reason for change of name dropdown menu, select which of the 3 reasons for changing the name applies.
  5. Confirm the director's details are changing and that you're not appointing a new director.
  6. Select Review and Submit.
Update director details

Updating a director's address

You must notify us within 20 working days of becoming aware of a change of address for a director. The change must have already occurred before you update the register.

The new address must be a physical residential address, not a Private Bag, PO Box or DX service.

The address details you enter into the register are verified against the address recorded on the New Zealand Post database. You can enter the address manually if the address is not found in the database.

Update a director's address

To update a director's address log in to your online services account, enter a company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and follow these steps.

  1. Select the Directors tab.
  2. Select the Update details button next to the name of the director whose details have changed.
  3. Select the Change button next to the existing address and update the information.
  4. Enter the Effective date on which the change occurred.
  5. Select Use this Address.
  6. Select Review and Submit.
Update director details

Removing a director

If your company has only 1 director, a new director who meets the live in NZ requirement must be appointed before the current director can be removed.

If a director dies, is removed or resigns from the role, you must notify us within 20 working days of the event taking place. The change must have already occurred before you update the register.

Remove a director

To remove a director, log in to your online services account, enter a company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and follow these steps.

  1. Select the Directors tab.
  2. Select the Update details button next to the name of the director to be removed.
  3. Under Director Status select the Cease Director option.
  4. Enter the Effective date the director ceased to hold office.
  5. Review and Submit screen.
Update director details

Australian company directors' details

If your company has no directors living in New Zealand but has one or more directors living in Australia, at least one of them must be a director of an Australian company, and these details must be kept up-to-date on the New Zealand Companies Register.

Updating a director’s ASIC details

To update a director's Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) details including Australian Company Number (ACN), company name and addresses you must have:

  • a RealMe® login
  • an online services account with the Companies Register
  • authority to manage information on behalf of your company.

How to update a director's ASIC details

To update a director’s ASIC details log in to your online services account and follow these steps.

  1. From the Manage and Maintain menu, select Maintain directors.
  2. Search for and select the company you want to update.
  3. Select the Directors tab.
  4. Click on the Update details button next to the name of the director whose details have changed.
  5. Click on the Change button next to the existing residential address.
  6. Enter the new residential address details and click on the Use This Address button.
  7. Enter the correct date in the Change of this address effective from field.
  8. On the Australian company directorship screen, enter the ACN and click on the Retrieve Company Details button.
  9. Select the first Change button and update the ACN and/or company name.
  10. Select the second Change button next to the registered office address.
  11. Enter the new registered office address details and click on the Use This Address button.
  12. Click on the Submit button.
  13. You will be then asked to review your details. Once this is done, confirm by clicking on the Submit button again.
Update director details

If your company is only registered with the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC), you need to update a directors' details with them.

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