Setting up your online services account

Register to use our online services

Creating an online services account with the Companies Register allows you to complete the majority of your transactions with us online. It's free to set up, but fees apply when completing some transactions. There are 2 steps to setting up an account — ensuring you have a RealMe® login, and choosing the type of account you need.

Terms and conditions

When you create an online services account with us, you're asked to agree to our terms and conditions, which help ensure the information you provide is kept secure. By agreeing to our terms and conditions, you're committing to keeping your information on the Companies Register up to date.

Our terms and conditions set out your responsibilities as an online services account administrator and, in particular, managing access to our services by other users of your account.

1. Ensure you have a RealMe® login

To create an online services account you must have a RealMe username and password.

If you already have a RealMe® login

Select the Login button at the top of the page if you:

  • already have a RealMe username and password that you created to access the Companies Register, or
  • have a RealMe® username and password from another agency.

Get a RealMe® login

If you don't already have a RealMe® login:

  1. Select the Create link at the top right corner of this page.
  2. Select Create a RealMe® login and follow the instructions to create a username and password.
  3. After you've created your username and password, select Next to start creating your online services account.
  4. Follow the instructions in Step 2 to choose which type of account you need.

2. Choose which type of online services account you need

On the Choose your account screen, select which of the following 3 account user options applies to you.

I am using this website as an individual

Choose this option if you want to manage your own information and if you'll be the only person using the account — for example, as a director of your own company.

When prompted, follow these steps.

  1. Enter your personal details.
  2. Agree to the terms and conditions.
  3. Choose whether you want to set up direct debit as a payment option now (See note 1 below).
  4. Select 'Register'.
  5. When the 'Registration successful' screen appears, select 'Continue'.
  6. You will be directed to your dashboard where you can begin using the Companies Register.
  7. We'll also send you an email confirming that you've successfully created your online services account.

Note 1 — If you don't want to set up a direct debit payment option now, you can do this later. You can still use your online services account, but must pay any fees by credit card, debit card or internet banking.

I want to set up an organisation account

Choose this option if you're creating an online services account on behalf of an organisation — for example, as an employee of an accounting firm.

When prompted, follow these steps.

  1. Select 'I am a new user'.
  2. Enter your organisation details.
  3. Enter your contact details.
  4. Agree to the terms and conditions.
  5. Choose whether you want to set up direct debit as a payment option now (see Note 1 below).
  6. Select 'Register'.
  7. When the ‘Registration Successful’ screen appears, select ‘Continue’.
  8. You will be directed to your dashboard where you can begin using the Companies Register.
  9. We’ll also send you an email confirming that you’ve successfully created your online services account.

Note 1 — If you don't want to set up a direct debit payment option now, you can do this later. You can still use your online services account, but must pay any fees by credit card, debit card or internet banking.

Your role as an account administrator

As the person creating an online services account, you become the account administrator and can add or remove other account users. You can also appoint another user to be an administrator of the account.

I have received an activation code

Choose this option if you've received an email from us containing an activation code. This means an administrator of an existing Companies Office organisation online services account has begun the process of creating a user account on your behalf.

When prompted, follow these steps.

  1. Enter your activation code and select 'Activate'.
  2. Enter your personal details.
  3. Agree to the terms and conditions.
  4. Select 'Register'.
  5. When the 'Registration successful' screen appears select 'Continue'.
  6. You will be directed to your dashboard where you can begin using the Companies Register.
  7. We’ll also send you an email confirming that you’ve successfully created your online services account.

Customise your account dashboard

Once your online services account is confirmed, you can start to set up how some services and applications appear on your account dashboard.

Permission to update company records

If you set up an online services account for an organisation, you become an administrator of the account and can update some details, set up direct debit to pay online service fees, and add or remove users from the account.

Any users of an organisation's online services account who want to complete tasks and transactions on behalf of the organisation — for example, filing an annual return — must confirm their authority to do so.

Confirming your authority to manage information

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