Company addresses
Contact addresses and information you must provide
You must provide addresses and contact details for any new company registered on the Companies Register. This includes the address of the registered office, where your company records are usually held, and addresses for service and correspondence.
Contact details you must provide
A company must have:
- a registered office — where the company books and records are kept
- an address for service — where legal documents are delivered
- an address for communication.
If any of the addresses you provide are in a building with other businesses, provide full details of the location, for example an office number or the level its on in the building.
Your company's registered office and address for service
The address of the registered office and the address for service must be physical addresses in New Zealand. In most cases, the registered office address is the address where your company's records, including your share register, are kept.
The address for service is where legal documents, such as court documents, are delivered.
The registered office and address for service don't need to be the place where your business trades. For example, many businesses use the address of their accountant or solicitor as both their registered office and address for service.
Your company's communication address
For communications from the Registrar you must provide:
- a postal or physical address, and
- an email address.
We use your email address to send reminders about filing your annual return and other important information.
Other contact details
You can also choose to give us your phone numbers — landline, mobile or your company's fax number. These are not made public on the Companies Register but we may use these numbers to contact you with important information about your company. For example, we’ll use your mobile number to send txt reminders when your annual return is due.
Verifying address details
The address details you enter into the register are verified against the address recorded on the New Zealand Post database. You can enter the address manually if the address is not found in the New Zealand Post database.
Where company records are held
If your company records are not held at its registered office, you must tell us the physical address where you hold them — it can't be a Post Office box.
Where the company's share register is held
You must keep the share register in New Zealand. It's kept at the company's registered office, unless your constitution says:
- it can be held at another address, or
- that you can divide the register, for example into 2 or more registers, and keep the parts in different places.
If any addresses change
You must keep all address details up to date on the Companies Register. Anyone with company authority can change or update the company's address details online.
Other guides in
Starting a company
- Incorporating a company
- Reserving a name for a new company
- Tax registration
- Registering the appointment of a director
- Registering a shareholder
- Filing director and shareholder consent forms
- Ultimate holding companies
- Issuing shares in a company
- Incorporating with a company constitution
- How overseas companies set up as a NZ business