Ultimate holding companies
Tell us who has a controlling interest in your company
An ultimate holding company (UHC) is a body corporate that — usually by having a majority shareholding — has control of another company. A UHC is not a subsidiary of another body corporate.
Your UHC status
It's in the public's interest to know who has a controlling interest in your company's board, management and policies.
When you submit your online application for incorporation with the Companies Office, you must tell us if your company has a UHC.
After incorporation, you must tell us within 20 working days if your company is:
- now controlled by a UHC
- no longer controlled by a UHC.
Seek advice from an accountant or lawyer if you're unsure whether your company has a UHC.
What you need to tell us
You must tell us your UHC's:
- name
- country of registration
- registration number or code, if any, and
- registered office address.
You must include this information in your next annual return.
Filing annual returns
Keeping your information up to date
Once you've told us about your company's UHC, you must keep all information about the UHC up to date on the Companies Register. This means letting us know within 20 working days if your UHC changes its:
- name or registration number
- registered address
- country of registration
- entity type.
Updating your UHC status
To notify us about a UHC, or to make changes to existing UHC information on the Companies Register, you must have:
- a RealMe® login
- an online services account with the Companies Register
- authority to act for your company.
Confirming your authority to manage information
How to update an ultimate holding company
To update your UHC information, log in to your account, enter a company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN), and follow these steps.
- On the Company summary tab, select the Edit button next to Ultimate holding company.
- Select Yes or No to confirm your UHC status.
- Select what type of company or entity the UHC is.
- If you select Company registered in New Zealand, enter the UHC's name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) into the search field.
- If you select Other type of entity registered in NZ, or Company or entity registered in another country, you need to enter the entity type, a registered name, registration number or ID, country of registration and registered office address.
- Enter a date into the Change is effective from field and select Submit.
- Review the information you've entered and select Submit to continue, or Cancel to return to the previous screen.
- Select OK to be returned to the Company summary screen.