How to remove a company from the Overseas Register

When you close the New Zealand business of an overseas company

There are three steps to closing the New Zealand branch or business of an overseas company, and removing it from the Overseas Register. The process takes at least 3 months.

1. Notify the public

You must give notice if your overseas company is no longer in business in:

  • the New Zealand Gazette
  • at least one newspaper in circulation in the area where your business is located.

You don't have to specify a date when the company's New Zealand business will close, but you can't notify us until 3 months after the notice has been published.

2. Notify the Registrar of Companies

After 3 months, you can notify us by completing Form 19. 

You don't need to provide a copy of your newspaper advertisement.

Send the completed form to us at

3. Removal from the Overseas Register

If you've completed the form correctly, we'll remove your company from the register.