Managing share allocations

Keep your shareholding details up to date

You may decide to issue shares (increase the total) or purchase shares (decrease the total) in your company. You must notify us within 10 working days of a change to the total number of shares issued in your company. All changes must be recorded on your company share register and in your next annual return.

Increasing the total number of shares

Before increasing the total number of shares in your company, you need to find out:

  • whether the increase is the result of a share issue, conversion or subdivision of shares
  • how many shares are being added to your shareholding
  • the date of the issue of the new shares, and
  • details of each shareholder or share allocation to be added.

In some circumstances you may need to provide a director's certificate supporting an increase in shares or share issue under Sections 47 and 49 of the Companies Act 1993.

Decreasing the total number of shares

Before decreasing the total number of shares in your company, you need to find out:

  • whether shares are being acquired, purchased, redeemed or consolidated
  • how many shares are being either acquired, purchased, redeemed or consolidated
  • the date of purchase, redemption, consolidation or acquisition, and
  • details of each shareholder or share allocation to be removed.

Authority to update your shareholding

To update details of your company's shareholding you must have:

  • a RealMe® login
  • an online services account with the Companies Register, and
  • authority to act for your company.

How to increase or decrease your total shares

To increase or decrease the total number of shares, log in to your online services account, enter the company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and follow these steps.

  1. On the Company summary screen select the Shareholdings tab.
  2. Select the Update details button and select Continue on the Acknowledgement screen.
  3. Under Total number of shares select Change.
  4. Select the type of change you want to make:
    • Increasing shares — Share issue, or Conversion or subdivision of shares.
    • Decreasing shares — Acquisition, purchase, redemption or consolidation of shares.
  5. (Optional) Enter the terms and the date of the share issue.
  6. You'll be prompted to provide details of any share increase or decrease, depending on which option you've selected, but all fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory. Select Continue.
  7. Once you've been returned to the Update shareholdings screen, you have the option to Upload a director's certificate — select Browse or Choose file to do this.
  8. Once you've increased or decreased your total shares,the next step is to update your share allocations.
Update shares and shareholders

Updating, adding or removing a share allocation

You must update your company's share allocations when you:

  • increase or decrease the total number of shares available in the company
  • add or remove shareholders from an allocation
  • add or remove a share allocation.

Update a share allocation

To update an existing share allocation, log in to your online services account, enter the company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and follow these steps.

  1. On the Shareholdings tab, select the share allocation you want to change.
  2. Select Show all details.
  3. Update the Number of shares field to reflect the increase or decrease in the total number of shares available.
  4. You can also:
    • remove a shareholder from the share allocation by selecting the 'x' icon beside the shareholder's name.
    • add a shareholder and allocate shares to them by selecting the shareholder drop-down box in the shareholder allocation.
  5. Ensure the number of shares across each allocation matches the total number of shares available.
  6. Once all changes have been made select Continue.
  7. Review and Submit.
Update shares and shareholders

Add a share allocation

To add a share allocation, log in to your online services account, enter the company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and follow these steps.

  1. On the Shareholdings tab select Add new allocation, and enter the total number of shares in the new allocation.
  2. Choose Select shareholder to display a list all shareholders.
  3. Select each shareholder you want to include in the new allocation, and enter the number of shares each has been allocated. All shares in the new issue must be allocated.
  4. Select the Continue button.
  5. Review and Submit.
Update shares and shareholders

Remove a share allocation

To remove a share allocation, log in to your online services account, enter the company name, company number or New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) and follow these steps.

  1. Select the Shareholdings tab.
  2. Select the Update details button.
  3. Confirm the Acknowledgement
  4. Select the share allocation to be removed.
  5. Select Remove this allocation.
  6. Select Continue.
  7. Review and Submit.
Update shares and shareholders

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